‘Vadasiga’ Ltd creation of furniture design and marketing innovations under the measure ‘Creative Checks COVID-19’

‘Vadasiga’ Ltd is implementing project ”Vadasiga’ Ltd furniture design and marketing innovation creation,’ project no. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-861-01-0139. The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the ‘Creative Checks COVID-19’ measure, with 20,025.00 EUR allocated for eligible expenses. The total value of the project is EUR 27,500.00.
The project aims to utilize innovative services offered by entities in the creative and cultural industries sector to create and implement design innovations. Vadasiga Ltd will create a total of 7 coffee table designs in cooperation with foreign designers. The designs will be modern and contemporary, in line with the latest furniture fashion trends. The result of the project will be newly developed products, increased sales, and enhanced competitiveness.
Project execution is scheduled to start on 11/01/2022 and end on 10/01/2023.